Sunday, 6 December 2015

Life Drawing, December 3rd 2015

The last one of the year. I'll be doing some music stuff over the next week and Christmas is looming so I won't be life drawing until the new year. 

In the meantime enjoy this week's scribblings and check back in the new year for more!

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Life drawing 19/11/2015

Quite a tough week I think, but some of the later drawings and application of watercolour were more successful.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Life Drawing 12 November 2015

An interesting session this evening. The project I am doing is themed around 'activities of the everyday'. I was starting to think about narrowing this down to eating and sleeping. Low and behold, this evening's life model poses as though asleep. I am definitely going to have to work these drawings into something about sleeping habits!

This is a page of 1 minute gesture drawings...minus the watercolours. I did those afterwards!

The next page is actually two very similar poses.

This page is a mixture of different poses, angles on poses and different parts of the body from one session. What I like is how re narrative appears to tell of a woman looking like she is going to sleep, wakes and then falls back to sleep.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Life Drawing Nov 05 2016

Been a couple of weeks since the last life drawing session. This week was another challenging week. After drawing more women than men, it was good to be drawing another male model.

The next piece is part of my MA work where I am experimenting with storytelling. I am also looking at the difference between observation drawing and drawing from imagination. In this page, I am going to see what happens when I place an imaginary drawing in the blank panels in between the observational drawings. Try to build a plot in this page.

After that, there was 10 minutes left so I did the same panel again painted...

Finally, I really pushed myself. This 9 panel page is filled with 9 observed angles of the same pose in 35 minutes! Very please with this one.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Life Drawing, October 15th 2015

I recently started an MA Illustration and Book Arts at Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge.

So far, so good and for my first project, decided to look at the differences between my observational sketchbook work and my imagination-based outcomes derived in the studio for comics and cartoons. I'm looking for a parity between different forms of visual language, so see how one influences the other and vise versa.

I want to continue exploring comics too, so it was suggested that I use a panel format to draw within. This has had a profound effect on my thinking; such as the way the figure occupies the space in the panel and the panels on the page, the ways in which panels move forward in time to form a narrative and the confident strokes of the pen and deft application of colour. Incidentally there is no formal narrative to speak of because it is the same model each time drawn from different angles of different poses, but there certainly seems to be something coming out of the image.

Any thoughts from the community out there? Would love to hear from you!

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Life Drawing, 24th September

Evening all...The Kett's Hill Gang (look them up on Facebook!) played a gig at The Rose Tavern in Norwich last week hence the hiatus! back to it this week thought and here are the fruits of this week's labour, enjpy!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Life Drawing, September 10th

Wow, 9 drawings in total this week. It was a tough week too with some interesting poses and difficult angles. No life drawing for me next week as I'm playing a gig at The Rose Tavern in Norwich so you should come to that if you are in the area.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Life Drawing August 27 & September 3

Sticking with the life drawing....! It was on hiatus for three weeks over the summer holidays but it started back up on August 27th. Here displayed for all to see are the drawings from that session.

....and 3rd September's drawings. Back to it tomorrow!


Sunday, 2 August 2015

Life Drawing July 2015

It's been about 15 months since my last post, but it's also been nearly 13 months since I last life drawed!

I love life drawing and can't remember why I stopped going, probably fitting lots of things into my life at once maybe. Anyway, I went along last Thursday (30th July) and had a smashing time! Now they are on a 3 week break so will have to pick it back up later on in August.

Here are the fruits of last Thursday's labour....enjoy!

Before coffee break...

After coffee break...

Did this one while waiting for the last 30 min pose to start.


After the painting in my Moleskine watercolour sketchbook, I decided to grab my small sketchbook and sit round the back to do a different viewpoint.