Thursday, 24 September 2015

Life Drawing, 24th September

Evening all...The Kett's Hill Gang (look them up on Facebook!) played a gig at The Rose Tavern in Norwich last week hence the hiatus! back to it this week thought and here are the fruits of this week's labour, enjpy!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Life Drawing, September 10th

Wow, 9 drawings in total this week. It was a tough week too with some interesting poses and difficult angles. No life drawing for me next week as I'm playing a gig at The Rose Tavern in Norwich so you should come to that if you are in the area.

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Life Drawing August 27 & September 3

Sticking with the life drawing....! It was on hiatus for three weeks over the summer holidays but it started back up on August 27th. Here displayed for all to see are the drawings from that session.

....and 3rd September's drawings. Back to it tomorrow!